Managing the team, or managing the work?

As project managers, our job is to deliver a defined set of deliverables. Those deliverables may be as small as relocating a team to another floor, or as large as a satellite that hovers over the earth. No matter what the deliverables, the members of the team are crucial to the success of the project.   Team development In many companies, team development for projects […]

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Project takeover – where do I start?

You’ve been in the organization for a year or two. Learning the business, trying to soak it all in, and noticing there is a definite lack of organization around projects and servicing your customers.  This is not a secret from management, but they are not sure what to do about it. Finally, they see you trying to wrangle the alligators, and they decide to assign […]

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Are you a project manager or not?

Many of us in the project management field got our start before there was such a thing as a project manager. In fact, many folks today are probably working in the role of project manager, but don’t have that title. That may be just fine, or not. It all depends on where you want to go in your career and how you want to get […]

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Project change management – don’t take the monkey!

“The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”—Alan Watts The one item that you will certainly have on any project  is change. It always seems that as soon as the project is agreed upon, there is someone who has a better idea and wants a change. As project managers, managing change is the […]

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How did I get here? My career in Project Management

Everyone is always interested in “How did you get here?” and what led me to a career in project management. To that end, I’m starting a new series on The “How did you get here?” interview. I’ve got lots of friends (at least now) that are project managers and got to that place in many different ways.    Let’s get started! My first interview […]

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Project management is for the brave

Project management is a very popular topic today. Many individuals are considering it a career while others have the career and don’t realize it. Some just want to use the principles and aren’t very concerned with the title. For most of us becoming a project manager is a journey, not the destination. No matter how many projects you’ve done, the next project is always a […]

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New project schedule validation – know it can happen

Many project managers have no real idea of how to validate their initial project schedule. How do you know that this schedule can get you to your ultimate goal? I won’t try to make this up. The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) has developed 14 quality checks for validating schedules. This agency manages contracts for the Department of Defense here in the U.S, working with suppliers […]

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Be the cheerleader! Market your project

You’ve been working this project for months. Your team is stellar – work is progressing and you’re on track to make your budget, your timeline, and your quality marks. So why isn’t anyone else excited about the project? No one knows to be excited because you haven’t told them to be excited. The art of project management People get into project management for many different reasons. Most […]

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Scheduling tips and techniques

Scheduling is an important part of every project manager’s job. I’ve developed a lot of schedules over the years, and each one was very dynamic – they changed a lot from their first iteration to final close-out. Here are a few tips to developing a better schedule. Tips for a better schedule The six hour day Here in the U.S. most company’s use a standard eight hour day. For […]

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The work breakdown structure – the backbone of your plan

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning. —Winston Churchill As project managers, one of our most important functions is developing a plan. If you missed Project planning – problems, scope, and deliverables, feel free to read that now. Create a work breakdown structure Never fear! I’m not going to do a PMBOK interpretive dance here. There are lots of text books where you can […]

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