Breaking out of the busy trap – steps on how to finish projects or achieve goals

Life gets in the way. We have goals that we want to accomplish, but never seem to get there. Even for those who are naturally task-oriented and project-minded, getting those wanna-do’s done is a challenge. Many of us are in the “busy trap,” and are cleaning house, cooking, shopping, surfing the web, watching TV, or working out for hours a day – staying busy but […]

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Status meetings: a blueprint

Better status meetings Status meetings are like exercise – everyone should participate, but it’s tough to get motivated. In most companies, these meetings are dreaded events that most folks would do nearly anything to avoid. The Project Manager is not always a fan either. She’s constantly searching for any way to make these meetings better, faster, and more productive – including not having them at […]

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3 steps to finding a project management mentor

Walking out of the manager’s office, you’re excited to get your first project to manage. Now, you’re getting that sinking feeling in your mid-section. Your manager will help if asked despite their workload. What if you get stuck? The company methodology is a great process, but it doesn’t answer all your questions. A mentor or coach would be a big help. How to find someone? […]

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